When you look at the daytime tv listings these days you are likely to encounter re-runs of the very popular lifestyle themed shows that involve searching for houses to buy; houses bought and now needing just a little titivating; houses bought and needing a full rip out and replacement of much old stuff. For a good home renovation there is a basic order of works that can be considered a reasonable blue print for most projects. The major work will be in the demolituion and structural repairs – before starting any work involving such extremes, it is essential to ensure the building is actually structurally sound. Disaster and untold expense will definitely follow if this primary principle is not followed. Next point could be weathertight and external finishes – to prioritise in your schedule are any jobs that will prevent surther damage. Obviously these are critical issues to stop any further inroads by damp or mould that may be lurking before you begin. To discover any extreme work needs a good surveyor being employed before agreeing to buy the place. Or should have been. Addressing major structural issues such as rotten rafters and any damp isues have to be top of this list. Another item within this sector is to check that any products installed by previous owners are correct and not causing unintended and unspecified damage. Did they open up the loft space to make more sleeping rooms in a safe and legal manner . . . . Just a few things to consider then.